
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Homeschool Mother's Journal 30 April

The Homeschool Mother's Journal

In my life this week…
We did absolutely nothing... okay, well not nothing... but it sure feels like nothing.  I managed to get everyone to help with chores this week.  So often I try to do it all on my own, but It Ends Now!!!   I have drawn a line in the sand and it is not going to be blown away by the next big blow.

We also helped set up my ds2's PCYC for a gymnastics comp.  That accounted for an hour's worth of exercise.  Another line in the sand... my weight loss goals.

Well, I guess maybe there has been a lot going on this last week but it has been all in my head, so to speak.

In our homeschool this week…
No school this week.  I decided 3 days crammed into the end of a week was just a pain.  I still need to finalise some Preschool Activities but just about all set to go for next term.

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
We went to ds2's first gymnastics comp and he did really well.  He got 3rd for 5 out of 6 events and 3rd over all.   I am very proud of him.

Some friends of my mum dropped in today on their way home from a long trip to Tasmania.  They took a cuddle for Grandma and a photo or two of my garden.

My favorite thing this week was…
I managed to take baby and a CD of my favourite music out for a long drive while dh cooked dinner.  It was so nice to be able to just have quiet (well, sort of, the stereo was up loud) and be able to complete a thought.  I came home much refreshed.

What’s working/not working for us…
I am not sure yet if anything for this coming term is working or not, but overall I am very impressed with the Sonlight Core that my eldest is doing.  He pulls some of the books off the shelf to re-read just for fun and that can not be a bad thing.

Homeschool questions/thoughts I have…
I am realising that I really don't like how unschooling works in my family.  My dh and I watch too much television to ban the kids entirely without feeling like hypocrites.  If I let my children lead their learning they watch way too much junk and it is Not Good.

I like structure myself and I am determined (yet another line in the sand) to make sure it works this term.  My 2 middle children will do well with me being in charge.  The toddler will learn to go with the flow as I learn how to keep him busy.  Now... the 12 year old Aspie could be fun.  But I do not need to fight him.  I can walk away after telling him what is needed and he will soon learn there are consequences.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
These were 2 of the songs on my CD for my long drive.  Both worthy of singing loudly and off key to in my opinion.  lol   The first was one of my favourites in my senior year.  Oops, showing my age!  And the second was from the album I had to play to get ds2 to sleep.  I had buns of steel dancing to this every night for about 6 months.  Kids!!  The others liked gentle rocking or even just being laid down to go to sleep on their own.  Go figure!


Best wishes


  1. Sounds like you are making some good choices with drawing the line in the sand. I need to do it more too. I forget and often engage in arguing without realizing it. It is no wonder that my oldest does the same. *sigh*

  2. The boys and I exercise every morning for 30 min. I finally put our PE schedule up on my website. I love having a schedule and staying busy during school . Sometimes we have to try something before we find what really works for our family.

  3. Children lead around here only when it is appropriate - in other words - it will help them get to the next step. We go with a schedule that is a bit flexible if need be. I've spent quite a few times in the car just to get the baby to sleep in the past. I know how that can be. Don't worry if you go through some trial and error. The Lord will lead you to know what is best for your children.

  4. Ohhhhh you made me laugh! How many times have I drawn the line in the sand...only to wind up hollering that I'm "NOT YOUR SLAVE" for the umpteenth time!

    I've heard SO many wonderful things about Sonlight. Now I'm fighting off the urge to use it myself...


    Just popping in from the Journal link-up. I'm glad I did.



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