Here are my step by step instructions on how to turn text from a Word document into checklists in ColorNote for my tablet.
Like some other homeschooling mothers I have read
Managers of Their Homes by Terri Maxwell. From that I gleaned the idea of having a
regular routine to my days. I have also arranged my household chores in
a similar way to
FlyLady with a monthly rotation of the bigger jobs,
and a weekly and daily routine of chores.
With ColorNote I have been able to create all the lists I need to keep this system running.
First of all I create my schedule in Word. It comes out looking something like this.
Once I have polished it and am happy that it all "works", I copy the file across to my tablet. It is important that each task has those square brackets with one space between them and then a space in front of the text before each item. You will see why in the next step.
I use Polaris to open up the Word file. I then select the contents of a cell and copy them to the clipboard.
After opening up ColorNote I use the add option and create a text note. Yes, it does sound odd, when I want to create a checklist but it works. In the new text note I paste my text copied from the clipboard. It comes out as text with no carriage returns.
By selecting just before each opening bracket I insert returns to create a vertical list.
Before saving it I send to ColorNote and it automatically changes my text list to a check list. I change the colour to suit my system, put in an appropriate title and save.
It will then switch me back to my text note, which I can discard.
My system of labelling is to put the stage number and then the day/s it applies to. For instance you will see above in the Word file that Monday's stage 1 is different to Tuesday and Wednesday - no homework - so I will label it "1 Mon" but Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are all the same so I label the note for them as "1 T W R F". I use R for Thursday because I have become used to how Homeschool Tracker uses R for scheduling across different days and it makes a lot of sense when I am trying to make titles short so they are visible on the widget.
More to come...
Best wishes