
Monday, June 4, 2012

Being Present and My Values

I have been thinking about my life (as you do when the grey hairs start to appear) and I have realised that I need to be present in my life a lot more. 

I am trying to act more in alignment with my values.  Years ago I wrote out my values and in reviewing them I don't think they have changed much at all.  But over the years due to tiredness, babies and just overall blahs I have dug myself a hole of guilt for the life I am not living.  I want to be more mindful of what I have and what I value in this life.

It has meant being much more conscious of how I spend my time.  My computer time has been reduced, but do you know what, it has increased the value of my "real life" and I still have enough time to keep up with friends' blogs when I do it regularly in short stints but after everything else in my day is over.   Best of both worlds!

So my values, just to remind me, and maybe remind you too if you are not being present in your real life right now. 

    I have a family which is happy to be together, who build each other and who we can feel totally safe with.  I give my children a secure feeling that I will accept them no matter what and that I will always be honest with them.  My relationship with my dh is strong with lasting ties, not just the flimsy one of a ring but a deep hearted commitment. 

    I am able to pay bills on time and also live frugally so that we have funds to do the fun things like a holiday regularly and a big holiday overseas once every 3 years.  I manage our resources so that we have more than enough no matter how little or much comes into our household.

    I am healthy physically because I am going to live to 100 years old.  I am healthy mentally so that I live those 100 years contributing and making a difference, not just sitting around vegetating.  I am healthy spiritually so that I am more at peace as I get older, not grumpier with a life of regrets.

    I am able to teach others what I know and also am teachable.  I am a valued member of my family because I listen and have an accepting attitude.

    I use my brain to its fullest extent.  I do not waste my potential with my education.

    I make a contribution to society, on a small scale in the groups and church I attend, and in my neighbourhood.

    I pass on my values to my children.  I teach them by my example and my shared experiences to be responsible, community minded adults who know the value of hard work yet keep their lives balanced.

    I develop friendships with like-minded people and work at being a supportive friend for my closer friends.  I am open to new friends and keep my current friendships strong.

Just something to think about,


  1. Jen, thanks for sharing your core values with us. I'm going through some very similar thinking at the moment. Especially with four children, I find it hard to keep my head above water even on a day-to-day level. Just today I was thinking to myself, "How can I free up time so that I make sure I do the things that are important to me?" Organisation is one part of the answer, and working out what really is important is another.

  2. Well said, Jen. Sometimes getting it down on 'paper' really helps to get our thoughts disentangled so we can focus on the things that are important.

  3. Hi Jen,
    Still popping in to your blog when I can. Great to hear your thoughts.
    Love your long lost neighbour!


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