Oh, and keep records!
The older three boys and I are competing in a times table competition. I copy off sheets for us to do a timed test. I am losing at times because we have a rule that the writing needs to be neat and legible. Oops! Source: http://www.ricgroup.com.au/product/times-table-challenge/ So far we are leap frogging each other up the charts.
In maths the boys all worked on a few exercises in Singapore Maths. Griffin doesn't quite have the attention span for a lot of bookwork so I will need to remember to play more games with him. Lots of resources available so that isn't a problem. I am getting Jackson and Harry to do the Practice exercises after each chapter as an exam. They will need to get 85% or better to pass and move on. If they get less then they need to review their mistakes, look back through their previous work and then do another practice exercise. I am also noting if the mistakes are number fact based or concept based. If I feel it is concept based I will sit down with them one on one and go through it slowly to be sure they have it. They can do the alternate questions they skipped the first time through that section.
Harry didn't pay attention to the +/- symbols so he ended up doing a second test. Jackson needs to do a bit more work before he gets to his first "test". I will use the Review Tests as tests for actual marking and grading.
We did a big chunk of work on geography, labeling land forms, using a compass work sheet and then labeling an outline map of Australia with states and major landmarks. Source: Enchanted Learning website - worth becoming a member of as the Australian content was good and I like how the work is "graded" by members. I also used some pages from Amazing Hands on Map Activities.
Griffin (6.5) did quite well with the compass directions. Surprised me!
We also did two parts of Unit One in a book called English Magic. Don't bother trying to find it. It was published in Queensland in the 80s. I have Year 5 which I am using with the middles, Harry (10) and Jackson (13), and the Year 6 book. Despite it being a Qld book it isn't in the State Library and nowhere online. :-(
Such a great book, with sections for reading comprehension, composition, poetry, word roots, punctuation and grammar, and even how to speak clearly and with correct emphasis. lol I am having to slow it down a bit, not sure if it is because the boys missed the topics while homeschooling or due to them not getting them at school. ?!
We visited the State Library late in the week and the younger two made monster crowns and arm bands. We also went across to the Gallery of Modern Art where we looked at two exhibitions, and did some participating too of course. The obliteration room was fun. Probably the only time my kids have had free reign with stickers. ;-) And I particularly liked the Journey to Fantastic Lands exhibition. There was a thought provoking short film, lovely miniature displays and an interactive video that I loved watching Jackson and Griffin participating in.
You can hear me giggling at the end as I loved the way Jackson makes faces.
I also found out that they are showing a variety of movies as part of a Myths and Legends exhibition. We will be going to see E.T. as a family and then hubby and I are going to see the Lord of the Rings trilogy over 3 weekends. Tickets are only $9 for adults. Not bad!
So I only recorded 2 days of work in my book but I know we did a lot more and it was a good week. Still need to do some prep for History and Science but this week has been a break as my allergies have flared up and I will get prepared as best as I can for next week so it goes better.
Best wishes